
TSgt James W. Gorrell

Spotting "James W Gorrell" on the memorial plaque at  St. Charles Borromeo in Drexel Hill forced me to question if he was a relative. It was a family name and he was from the parish that served my family for generations in Drexel Hill and Clifton Heights. It turns out he is my "first cousin 1x removed".  We're connected because my great grandfather and his father were brothers. After reading first hand accounts about his role fighting to free Europe from the grip of facism, I couldn't be more proud of the connection.  James was an only child born on  March 26, 1924 to Edward Gorrell and Regina Townsend Gorrell.  Sadly, he lost his father in 1938 and his mother in 1941 (James was 17).  James continued to live in Clifton Heights after the death of his parents with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Duke, his uncle and aunt at  17 E. Baltimore Ave  (maybe the remains are hidden behind a current storefront).  He graduated from Clifton Height High School in 194...

Pfc Pasquale Vivaldi

"Pasquale J. Vivaldi" is the last name placed on the plaque honoring members of St. Charles Borromeo parish in Drexel Hill who made the "supreme sacrifice" in World War II. What follows is a short biographical sketch of the young man behind the name based on records and historical events that correspond with both his life and death. Over time new facts, clarifications and corrections may emerge, but one thing is clear to me now, "Pasquale J. Vivaldi" is much more than a name on a plaque.   In order to paint the picture below I reverse-engineered the likely events of Pasquale's military experience using the regiment and company he was with at the time of his death. My intention is to "do no harm" to his memory (and others) but rather pay tribute to for the sacrifice he made. Hopefully I don't stray from that aim.    Meet Pasquale J. Vivaldi It only took a few minutes to identify when Private First Class Pasquale John Vival...